West Kent CCG Health and Wellbeing Board


Minutes of the meeting held on 15 July 2014



Dr Bob Bowes (Chairman) and

Gail Arnold, Alison Broom, Councillor Alison Cook, Jane Heeley, Dr Caroline Jessel, Dr Tony Jones, Mark Lemon, Councillor John Perry (substituting for Councillor Annabelle Blackmore), Sarah Richards (substituting for William Benson),

Penny Southern, Malti Varshney,

Councillor Lynne Weatherly and Kelly Webb (substituting for Lesley Bowles)


In Attendance:

Steve Charman, Mark Gilbert, James Harman, Louise Matthews, Jess Mookherjee, and Ivan Rudd




1.           Apologies for Absence


It was noted that apologies for absence had been received from Julie Beilby, William Benson, Councillor Annabelle Blackmore, Lesley Bowles, Hayley Brooks, Councillor Roger Gough, Fran Holgate, Dave Holman, Jonathan MacDonald, Councillor Mark Rhodes and Dr Sanjay Singh.




2.           Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests


There were none.




3.           Minutes of the meeting held on 15 April 2014


RESOLVED:  That the Minutes of the meeting held on 15 April 2014 be approved as a correct record.




4.           Children's Operational Group Update and Next Steps


Steve Charman and James Harman presented a paper updating the Board on the role of the new Children’s Operational Groups (COGs) and their governance, membership and meeting arrangements.  It was noted that concerns had been expressed across the West Kent local authorities about the loss of a district perspective and a number of Councils had set up their own children’s groups/partnerships with their own agendas.  Members of the Board commented that:








The Chairman suggested that, having regard to the issues raised, he should write to the district Chief Executives, Kent County Council

and the CCG with a view to setting up a working group to look in greater detail at the role, terms of reference, governance arrangements and membership of the new COG.


RESOLVEDThat the proposal to set up a working group to look in greater detail at the role, terms of reference, governance arrangements and membership of the new COG be endorsed.




5.           Mental Health Needs Assessment for West Kent


Jess Mookherjee presented an overview of mental health needs in West Kent, making reference to:






Members of the Board commented that:





RESOLVEDThat the presentation be noted with interest.




6.           Feedback from Task and Finish Group for Mental Health


Ivan Rudd presented the findings and recommendations of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Task and Finish Group.  Mr Rudd explained that the Group had focused on the following issues:



Members of the Board commented that although district/borough councils were well engaged in workplace health and wellbeing initiatives, more support was needed from the local business community, and this was being addressed.




1.     That the Programme Oversight Group chaired by the West Kent CCG is the appropriate forum for exploring the development of Section 256 services.


2.     That the Children’s Operational Group when in place should consider as a priority the emotional health and wellbeing support available in schools and also the merits of a review of access and barriers to universal parenting opportunities in West Kent.


3.     That the growing interest in workplace health and wellbeing be noted and that arrangements be made for the Board to receive a presentation in due course on the progress being made and what can be achieved.


4.     That the Live it Well Strategy should be refreshed and that the revision process should form part of a wider communication strategy with an action plan to ensure greater understanding in West Kent of services available throughout the life course.


5.     That the Task and Finish Group should continue to develop its community resilience work, but the membership of the Group should be reviewed to include people with the appropriate skills and expertise to take this forward.




7.           Better Care Fund Update and Next Steps


Louise Matthews introduced a paper updating the position with regard to the Better Care Fund (BCF), the purpose of which was to ensure a transformation in integrated health and social care.  It was noted that:





Members of the Board expressed concern about the potential impact of the changes on the resilience of the NHS and the implications of the target for reducing emergency admissions not being met.  It was suggested that when BCF plans were being formulated, consideration should be given to the impact of the resultant shift in resources and that representatives of the Ambulance Trust and NHS 111 should be involved in discussions on the delivery of the plans.


RESOLVEDThat the action required to achieve a Kent Better Care Fund final submission be noted and that subject to the issues raised in the discussion, the next steps outlined in the CCG paper be endorsed.







8.           Local Assurance Report


Mark Gilbert advised the Board that the Kent Health and Wellbeing Board had developed an assurance framework that included a range of activity and outcome indicators from across the health and social care system in Kent.  The aim was to provide updates on a regular basis to highlight whether indicators were progressing in the right direction.  Mr Gilbert then presented a report providing a specific West Kent overview of these indicators.  It was noted that the targets could be reset to provide a more localised perspective.


Members of the Board commented that:






1.     That the report be noted.


2.     That ownership of the framework be approved for the purposes of regular monitoring of the agreed indicators.




9.           Care Quality Commission - Safeguarding Review


The Chairman updated the Board on the findings and recommendations of the Care Quality Commission arising from its recent review of health services for looked after children and safeguarding arrangements within health for all children in the West Kent, Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley, and Swale areas.  It was noted that the CCG was pulling together a joint action plan with partners to implement all of the recommendations made by the review.


RESOLVEDThat the report be noted.




10.        Date of Next Meeting




1.     That the next meeting of the Board be arranged to take place at 4.00 p.m. on Tuesday 16 September 2014 at The Gateway, King Street, Maidstone.


2.     That subsequent meetings of the Board should be arranged to take place at other Council offices within the West Kent area on a rotational basis.




11.        Duration of Meeting


4.15 p.m. to 6.20 p.m.

